About me

Natalie Grace Lambert grew up in the unforgiving heat of a Chino sun. Chino is a suburban dairy city about an hour east of her current Culver City home. natalie was a particularly exuberant child, the kind that could never sit still, which is exactly the kind of child you don’t want to be teaching classical Russian ballet to but wouldn’t you know it, she spent the majority of her growing years studying just that. brimming with boredom, she’d write stories in her head as she changed shapes in front of the mirror. when she shifted her focus from classical dance to rigorous farm work (a shift we all make at some point in our lives) she’d pass the dull time on the farm by writing stories in her head about her cattle (the time was just that dull). now, she no longer writes stories to pass the time. instead, she writes to capture it. she writes with maybe the worst posture you’ve ever seen. her ballet teacher would be furious.